====================================================== HELP FILE FOR THE STATE PRISON by Risto Uibo ====================================================== You probably want to read this, because there are some tricks in the prison that you may not figure out. This is not a direct help-through-level file, it's a hint file. If I tell you all the tricks, it won't be interesting anymore. Hint no.1- Do you have difficulties getting out of the cell??? You can't reach the vent from the ground or even not from the bed, can you? Look for a switch, but not inside the cell.If you find it, shoot it with your pistol. Then look at the bed. Hint no.2-this may not be so important, but in the vent, you first have to push a switch, which is near a security monitor, and the isolation door opens on the other side. It's quite a long way down, so use jetpack. Hint no.3-This is not a hint for the level, just a strategy hint. I recommend you to use a pistol to shoot the Turret guns, it's the best weapon against them, hits effectively and uses not so important ammo. If you shoot them with the shotgun, you're wasting good and useful ammo. Hint no.4-When you blow up the cell wall and exit the cell, you come back later and see, that the wall is not broken. It's because another wall comes from the ceiling right after you exit and closes the hole in the broken wall. Hint no.5-Visit the toilet, if you can't find anymore health and would need some. Also, don't save the two trash cans in there, shoot 'em up. Hint no.6-In the first cell departement, go through the corners and find goodies. Hint no.7-In the vent, one of the deep deadly holes contain a secret, other ones just kill you. Hint no.8-In the vent (again!) I recommend you to look for rotten wall panels. Hint no.9-Check the wall behind the dancer! (figure it out). Hint no.10-Check places behind the towers. Look carefully!! Hint no.11-Do you have problems finding the yellow key? Look for it in the warehouse, it' s between certain boxes. Hint no.12-When you're outside near the first tower and you want to open the jail kind of door, you'll hear an elevator sound. Turn back quickly and look for an open wall (not in the jail yard ). I Hope these helped a little bit. Sorry, but you have to find all the secrets by yourself!! Have fun!!! Documented on April 28, 1997.